Hey Collective residents! As many of you know (and have seen in your inboxes) Building Link is a tool that allows us to do things like notifying you when you have a package and informing you of upcoming community events. It also allows you, as residents, to do things like leave instructions for the front desk regarding visitors and post free or for-sale items to the virtual resident bulletin board. We wanted to take a moment to show you how to post on this board as well as how to unsubscribe if you’d prefer not to receive an email each time one of your neighbors posts an item.
Park Chelsea Residents:
Posting To The Resident Bulletin Board
To begin, navigate to parkchelsearesidents.buildinglink.com and log in. Once logged in, you’ll see the option to click “Add New Post” in the left sidebar of your page.
Next, you’ll choose which type of item you’d like to post (in addition to marketplace items, you’ll see there are a variety of other post types you can create here as well).
Create your post and don’t forget to hit submit! Once submitted, your post will be reviewed by a Park Chelsea team member before going live, then any fellow Park Chelsea residents who opt to receive Bulletin Board notifications will be notified of the new post via email.
Unsubscribing From The Resident Bulletin Board
The Resident Market Place can become very active at times; if you decide that you would no longer like to receive notifications each time a new item is posted, you can simply unsubscribe to these communications. To unsubscribe, begin by clicking “My Profile” in the upper right corner.
Next, click on the “Notifications” tab.
Once in the “Notifications” tab, scroll down to the section titled “Resident-to-Resident Communications”. Here you’ll find the option to choose whether or not you’d like to receive an email notification when a new post is added to the Resident Bulletin Board.
To unsubscribe from these notifications, simply uncheck the box that says “Email”, and you should see the green “Yes” button turn to a gray “No” button. Make any other changes you’d like to on this page then be sure to click “Save Notification Preferences” at the bottom of the page.
We want to hear from you: are there other tutorials you’d like to see for navigating the Building Link portal? Let us know by emailing your team at leasing@thecollectivedc.com!
Agora Residents:
Posting To The Resident Bulletin Board
To begin, navigate to agoraresidents.buildinglink.com and log in. Once logged in, you’ll see the option to click “Add New Post” in the left sidebar of your page.
Next, you’ll choose which type of item you’d like to post (in addition to marketplace items, you’ll see there are a variety of other post types you can create here as well).
Create your post and don’t forget to hit submit! Once submitted, your post will be reviewed by an Agora team member before going live, then any fellow Agora residents who opt to receive Bulletin Board notifications will be notified of the new post via email.
Unsubscribing From The Resident Bulletin Board
The Resident Market Place can become very active at times; if you decide that you would no longer like to receive notifications each time a new item is posted, you can simply unsubscribe to these communications. To unsubscribe, begin by clicking “My Profile” in the upper right corner.
Next, click on the “Notifications” tab.
Once in the “Notifications” tab, scroll down to the section titled “Resident-to-Resident Communications”. Here you’ll find the option to choose whether or not you’d like to receive an email notification when a new post is added to the Resident Bulletin Board.
To unsubscribe from these notifications, simply uncheck the box that says “Email”, and you should see the green “Yes” button turn to a gray “No” button. Make any other changes you’d like to on this page then be sure to click “Save Notification Preferences” at the bottom of the page.
We want to hear from you: are there other tutorials you’d like to see for navigating the Building Link portal? Let us know by emailing your team at leasing@thecollectivedc.com!